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Frequently Asked Questions

Read our FAQs or simply get in touch - we're here to answer any questions you may have!


Yes, the properties are registered with the Land Registry and yes, you are listed as the owner of the property on the title deeds. The Life Tenancy arrangement includes a Lifetime Lease which is registered at Land Registry and falls away when the Life Tenancy ends.

The property will be independently valued by a RICS registered surveyor prior to being offered for sale.
No, but we can provide you with a copy of the recent RICS valuation at your request.
Before entering into a Lifetime Lease, the Life Tenants are required to seek independent legal advice from their solicitor. This solicitor is required to sign a certificate declaring that the Life Tenants fully understands the implications of the Life Tenancy and they are happy that it is the right option for them. You will receive a copy of this certificate in your contract.
No, you don’t need to be regulated in order to purchase a Life Tenancy investment property. A Life Tenancy investment is not a regulated activity because it is a property transaction, not a financial one. It is not a loan, mortgage or home reversion plan and there are no repayments, rent or interest charged.
Yes, they can. Under the terms of the Lifetime Lease, the Life Tenants are able to move at any time. They will be responsible for all sale, purchase and legal costs associated with the move.
You are required to act reasonably in your consideration of the property. If the property is unsuitable due to its condition, legal title or suitability for a Life Tenancy, then you may refuse the purchase
No, you can’t. For the duration of the Life Tenancy, the property is the Life Tenants’ home and it is their decision as to whether or not they wish to make any changes to the property. They will have to seek your approval for any and all structural changes to the property.
You are only ever responsible for your own legal costs. We can provide a panel of solicitors who are familiar with the Life Tenancy investment process if you’d like. The Life Tenants will cover their own legal costs before and during the Life Tenancy.
Yes, you can raise debt against a Life Tenancy. However, you will need to service the debt from other sources of income.
No, the Life Tenants do not pay any rent. The rent has effectively been paid in advance to fund the discount from vacant possession value that you will receive on purchase.
Yes, you are free to sell your investment at any time. You will need to ensure that you adhere to the terms set out in the contract, as will the purchaser of your investment.
If the Life Tenants have safeguarded a percentage of the property’s agreed value, this will be passed to them or to their estate. You will have two options: either sell the property and pay the amount due from the net proceeds or pay the amount due and thereby retain the property.
The Life Tenants have the right to sell some or all of their safeguarded percentage at any time, should they choose to. You will be given the first refusal to purchase their share, but you’re not obligated to do so. The share will be sold at the discounted rate described in the Life Tenancy contract.
Yes, but only once the Lifetime Lease has ended. It is your property to use as you see fit from this point on. In cases where the Life Tenants have safeguarded a percentage of the property’s future value, you would need to purchase the remaining share from the Life Tenants or their estate first.
You are entitled to visit the property once every three years at a time and date that is convenient to the Life Tenants, or sooner if needed. This is taken care of as part of the Property Management package to ensure that the Life Tenants are left to live peacefully in their home.

Peoples’ needs change as they get older so the Life Tenancy does allow other people to live in the property alongside the Life Tenants provided that they sign a legal waiver confirming that they will vacate the property at the end of the Lifetime Lease. The Life Tenants are also required to indemnify you against any costs should they fail to do so. The Life Tenants cannot move out, rent or sublet the property.